Backend surveillance
Backend surveillance module
Overview of the core elements of adibus DriveEmergency
The DriveEmergency solution enhances safety for both passengers and drivers and can be configured for internal and external monitoring.
360-degree coverage. Dash Cam. Rear View Cam. Let us know your needs—we have the right solution.
The example shown features a fisheye camera that provides full vehicle coverage. Utilizing the latest technology, the camera creates a quad-view image and includes infrared lighting, ensuring high-quality recordings even in low-light conditions. Depending on PTA/PTO requirements, other camera configurations can be integrated.
1. Backend surveillance
2. Server
3. Mobile network
4. Camera
5. GPS
Backend surveillance module
adibus solutions are hosted centrally and there is no need for locally IT hosting and operations.
The distribution and communication with the buses and trains uses the mobile network, securing that the solution is online.
Camera and onboard screen
GPS positioning when alarm button is used.
The adibus backend system allows access to recorded footage, which is stored for up to 30 days on an SD card inside the camera. Recordings are segmented into 60MB files, making it easy to search for a specific time period-especially useful when reviewing incidents.
While live streaming is technically possible, it consumes a large volume of mobile data. As a result, most PTOs opt to request a download of specific video sequences once an incident's time frame has been identified.
The download request is sent to the bus via the Surveillance Function in adibusLive.
Most public transport vehicles are equipped with a hidden emergency alarm button for the driver.
This button can be connected to the adibus backend system (adibusLive).
When the alarm button is pressed, both adibusLive and a preconfigured mobile phone number receive an emergency alert.
The alert message includes: