With our products and our actions

we want to contribute to a sustainable future


We want to support more sustainable development inside and outside cities by offering innovative IT systems that promote public transport, including connectivity with other modes of transport. We contribute with IT systems that:

  • Minimise CO2 emissions
  • Support new forms of energy, including electricity
  • Helping population groups with special needs
  • Improve traffic safety
  • Make it more attractive for passengers to use public transport
  • Make it more profitable for providers to operate public transport
  • Support Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

We want to optimise transport needs as much as possible within the company.


We want to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable forms of energy.

We contribute with, among other things, IT systems for public transport and other installations that:


  • Minimise CO2 emissions 
  • Support sustainable energy
  • Use the least amount of energy


Internally, we reduce energy demand by using energy-efficient installations and minimising and improving the efficiency of driving needs.


  • We want to create sustainable growth for our customers and ourselves through technology and innovation
  • Our public transport IT systems help promote public health and fight infectious diseases
  • We and our subcontractors must at all times comply with the human and labor rights 


Our growth must not compromise the well-being and health of our employees. 
We want to take social responsibility by helping young people and people with special needs into the labour market.


Human and labor rights

UN17 goal no. 3: Good health and well-being and goal no. 8: Decent work and economic growth” are two important focus points for adibus.

We do our best to reduce risks of negative impact on human and labour rights in our production and value chain. We have an ongoing internal focus on workplace assessment via APV and our internal working environment organization (AMO). This is also an integrated part of our ISO 9001 certification.

We expect our suppliers to comply with the UN’s principles for human rights. This is an ultimate requirement for trading with us.

Possibly suspicions of violation of human rights by third parties are checked and trade is canceled if the principles are not observed.


  • We want to extend the life of products as much as possible, including recycling
  • We require our suppliers to use minimal packaging
  • We require our suppliers to deliver only what we need
  • We develop games that communicate recyclability and waste
  • We primarily want to offer advertising media that leave the smallest possible carbon footprint

We sort our waste and strive to recycle as much as possible.


  • We engage extensively in partnerships across the public and private sectors
  • We collaborate with educational institutions in development projects
  • We are ITxPT certified which facilitates industry partnerships and greater equipment usability