adibus RealTime

Overview of the core elements of adibus RealTime

With adibus RealTime, passengers are automatically informed about the next stop, upcoming destinations, delays, transit options to other buses/trains, and more. Through a digital journey selection, the driver chooses the route/trip number. Following this, the system downloads the relevant, updated information for the selected route. From this point on, the system operates fully automatically, without any need for driver interaction.


The digital route selection is done via a small touch screen, which can also be used as a communication tool by the driver, allowing them to send emails and other information. The driver screen serves as a daily tool for bus drivers, supporting functions like driving economically, changing LED signs, and communicating with the dispatcher, among others.


  • 1. Content/Timetable

  • 2. Server

  • 3. Uploads

  • 4. Route selection

  • 5. GPS



Publishing and managing content like traffic information, advertisement, news update etc. Timetables, stop information , announcements etc. are centrally stored and usually delivered from external systems


adibus solutions are hosted centrally and there is no need for locally IT hosting and operations.


The distribution and communication with the buses and trains uses the mobile network, securing that the solution is online.

Route selection

Route selection is done in the buses by the driver. Form there on the content on screens and realtime forecasts will run automatically


Positioning via GPS.

A system with built-in Intelligence

The GPS in buses and trains calculates the exact position every minute, comparing this with timetable data as well as past position records for that point along the route.


For example, if the timetable shows the bus should depart from Stop 1 at 9:43 am, reach Stop 2 at 10:19 am, Stop 3 at 10:47 am, and arrive at Stop 4 at 11:23 am, the system will announce the predicted arrival times for upcoming stops, adjusted against the timetable.


The predicted arrival times are displayed for upcoming stops, compared with the timetable and current position.





Transit options

Using the bus's GPS position and expected upcoming stops along the route, the system provides real-time information on the next stop and displays available transit options.


This information is refreshed every 3-5 minutes when the bus or train is within a defined radius of the next station.


The bus’s GPS calculates its position minute by minute and checks it against the timetable data for the specific route. For example, if the bus is more than 3 minutes delayed, the system sends this information to external data providers and displays the delay on passenger screens in the bus or train.


The data is delivered via an online web service, making it possible to view real-time information and current delays on the Internet, mobile phones, and at the next station. For transport providers primarily seeking “next stop” announcements, adibus’s NextStopAnnouncement option can fulfill this need.






Real-time data on the exact position and any delays is collected by the system via GPS units on the buses and can be accessed by the PTA/PTO to analyze timetables, journey time guarantees, and more.


The control center has access to a live map showing data for each bus, including route/trip, upcoming stops, delays, driver name, etc. It's very easy to search for and focus on delayed buses and to decide on actions to prevent further delays.


Accessing historical data, such as the situation for the bus 10 minutes ago, is only a few clicks away.


